What is The Whole Soul Theory & Why it Exists

What is The Whole Soul Theory and why on Earth should anyone care? I don’t know that they should honestly, it’s just something I’m doing for myself, and I know when I share bits and pieces about the theory with my friends that it provokes thought and consideration, sometimes even implementation.

It started as something completely different, a comment from a southern friend who said I had to be a whole loaf if I wanted to attract a guy like the one I had a crush on. This was 15 years ago, when I was in my late twenties and working in a bougie office building. Now I’m a teacher of tweens and teens, a TM practitioner and I realize I don’t need to be anything for anyone, but myself. If I’m going to be whole then I am going to be a Whole Soul, not a whole loaf. So that changed the idea from doing something for someone else to doing it for myself and I’ve been on the odyssey ever since.

The theory came into focus a few years ago when we went on lockdown. I went to graduate school during that time, studying Consciousness & Human Potential at Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa. I had wanted to learn how to do TM for a long time and since I’m never one to do things halfway, I decided to study what happens when you practice TM for 3 years, earning a 3.85 GPA (not so great at Quantum Theory it turns out). The way that not only the study but also the meditation practice changed my life, and my being has been difficult to encapsulate for people who haven’t done the program and I have struggled with returning to the real world, until now.

Now I see how and more importantly understand how to be a Whole Soul and all that it entails. I think when we talk about self-improvement, we focus on the lowest states of consciousness, waking, dreaming, sleeping. Those three states of consciousness are the most typical and also lowest vibration. By gaining permanent higher states of consciousness (totally possible) we begin to not only better ourselves but our soul as well because from that first permanent state of consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, our soul is living in its purpose, and our soul is as much a part of us as our physical self is. In fact, the soul IMO is more important than the physical being because our soul is what is connected to the Divine Creative Intelligence.

It takes a few years to get to Cosmic Consciousness and that’s only if you practice TM every day without fail. I won’t lie, I’m not there but I do know a lot of people (ok professors & my TM teacher) who seem to be there because the old guard doesn’t talk about their state of consciousness, but you can tell they are in it. How? Their demeanor, their endless patience and time, the way that they present themselves and their knowledge. They recognize their place in the universe, and they are happy with it, they are at peace and filled with a deep-seeded joy. I believe that is because they are living in their purpose; to spread the truth in the best way they can; through Maharishi’s teachings.

Now don’t get it twisted, Maharishi is not a God, he was a man who learned at the knee of those who came before him, who learned from those who came before him who learned from those…Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was the man who brought TM to the west and opened several schools, wrote books, gave lectures and generally graced the world with his presence for decades. He was an eloquent speaker; a brilliant mind and it was a great loss when he passed. I wish I had been able to meet him, but I learned from those who knew him well and believe in his teachings and live a beautiful life for doing so. Can I live like that? I am sure as hell going to try.

So, To recap, The Whole Soul Theory is a theory that the soul needs to be whole as well as the body and mind. I believe that can happen through higher states of consciousness, which we all have an inherent right to. Maharishi teaches that HSC are for all and are easy to achieve, I can attest to that because its through my meditation that I catch glimpses of those higher states and its through my meditation that I feel that deep-seeded peace and joy and its only when I am in a regular rotation of meditation that I feel like I am able to pursue my purpose and maintain order in my life. Everything falls in place when I am meditating regularly.

Why the Theory Exists

While the theory has grown from how to get a guy to how to exist in this insane world while simultaneously at peace and in a permanent state of joy, the question remains, why have I been working on it for so long? I suppose because it is important to me; to be whole and filled with a deep joy. To know that my soul is fulfilling its purpose on this planet and that I am growing as an individual and as a soul.

Also, I like transcending. Transcending is singularly the coolest thing my brain and consciousness has ever experienced. Sometimes I feel like I am floating on a cloud traveling through the universe, and I can touch the stars before me, other times I have experiences where I am conscious of having nothing in my mind without thinking about it. Nothing in my mind is probably the most liberating feeling in the world. The experience of transcending and existing in that state where nothing and everything is right before me is an experience that cannot be replicated.

It’s so much better than drugs and I’ve tried most of them, at least the old ones. The new stuff? Can’t imagine living through the experience. So essentially, the theory exists because I created it and stuck with it through the last 15 years. I have learned about my origins, my purpose, what makes me happy and most importantly, what my soul needs. It’s because I know what my soul needs that I can now pursue it and hopefully along the way help others find their way to making their soul’s whole. Plus, I love to write and talk about Consciousness & Human Potential, so there is that.

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