There is an orb that rises every night above my house. I have hundreds of videos of it that I have taken over the last three years and its always seemed benevolent, as though it is waiting for me.
I’ve been thinking lately about the different things I can try to communicate with it directly. Straight TM doesn’t seem to be doing the trick but I think it is the door that I can walk through in order to reach other dimensions so I can talk to this orb.
2025 is the year I am going to start taking the orb more seriously. I have always had the sense that it is conscious on some level, that it is here to deliver a message or help me with something. I think the only way I can find out is through establishing a higher state of consciousness so whatever it is trying to deliver can be deciphered by my feeble brain. Lucid dreaming, yogic flying, channeling…I’m not sure what the pathway will be, but it seems worth exploring.
If I can lucid dream and meet it, or channel a message from it, I have to wonder how that would change my existence. I wonder if it is in another dimension, if it is hiding its true self, I also wonder if it is trying to take something or interfere with what I am trying to do. Is it karmic?
There is only one way I can find out, good or bad I have to figure out a way forward with communicating with it and let the chips fall where they may. Maybe it’s here to teach me how to beat the warlock. Now that alone is worth the extra work of finding a communication method.
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