It begins with a journey, an exploration into the deepest recess of both mind and universe, diving up into the echelons of existence on a lifelong quest for truth.
What is truth? What is the truth? How will I know when I find it? I don’t know, I feel like that is a major part of this crusade. Before I find another synonym for journey let me tell you a little about how I got here and why it’s important that everyone go on this…trek.
My name is Aisling, and as a result of either karma or bad luck I ended up with a mother who was friends with a lot of dark art practitioners when I was a kid. Would I call my mother a witch? No, I would call her a narcissist to the extreme though and that’s putting it kindly. My mother’s friends practiced a sort of art that was heavily influenced by Carlos Castaneda’s books. Carlos Castaneda wrote about the Yaqui Shamanism.
Nothing against Shamanism, it’s both beautiful and sacred but in the wrong hands it can be used as a powerful tool to reap destruction and chaos in lives of those it is purposed against. For me, it was in the wrong hands and as both a young child and young adult I suffered greatly for it.
See I was the sacrifice, I was the one who was harmed so others could gain financial security. I was the one whose life was put into shambles so that others could have order. It took me a long time to see it and I don’t know that I ever would have save one man.
A man who is my nemesis, my mortal enemy, a karmic relationship that is so incredibly toxic I have to wonder the origins of the hate. The hate is fierce on his end and seems disproportionate to our childhood acquaintanceship. Our mothers were friends and ran with the same crew in the 80’s until one of them died and the friendships kind of shifted. I remember when it happened because I was relieved when she died.
One of the sons, the aforementioned creep contacted me twenty-some-odd years later, in 2018 and after long and interesting conversations, he asked me to join his second coming of our mothers’ covens.
Now I didn’t know any of the before mentioned comments about my childhood, I was completely oblivious to the fact that what happened to me as a kid was intentional until I grew up and began looking at things through the lens of an educated, experienced and gifted adult. *By gifted I mean telepathic and shit* I thought I must just be unlucky until I got to graduate school and started learning the truth about how the universe actually works and how consciousness allows for a greater access to knowledge than anything else.
I told him I didn’t want to join his coven and that to him was an indication that it was game on. It wasn’t a pleasant first couple of years after that hard no and I was physically injured more than once but I learned a lot about myself, my resilience and how to communicate with the land around me to protect myself.
And I have one secret weapon; I live around the Yaqui now and they know about him. I educate their children and have good working relationships with those kids and their families, and we talk. I would consider using Yaqui Shamanism to do harm to be against the order of the universe but the fact that it is a white man doing it is appalling.
So to date, this man, we will call him the mad warlock, has sacrificed two of my dogs, at least 7 chickens and now most recently, my wild sparrow Queen. My sparrow was a very special girl and the relationship we shared was from literally her first day of life to Wednesday October 23 of 2024 when the warlock killed her to hurt me and transfer that energy into something for himself.
That I realized was the straw and here I am. I cannot allow this most precious of animals, most tender of unconditional loves to die in vain. He will not benefit off of her murder and I will end this in a way that I should have years ago.
I will take it all back and elevate straight out of this matrix. It’s time to shift the wheel.
Welcome to my odyssey.